20 January 2010

Here Comes The Rain

This is my first real rainy season here - I moved just after "winter" finished last year and I can count on one hand the number of days it rained between then and this week.  And, boy, have I gotten used to it!

The rain isn't quite as discombobulating for me as it seems to be for everyone else around here, but I do still find myself walking right out the door without an umbrella because I'm used to not even looking at the weather and assuming it's pretty much the same as it was yesterday.  I have also completely forgotten the fact that rain + my hair = wavy curls.  I wasted a good chunk of time straightening my hair this morning, only to find it all wavy tousled when I got to work (yeah, that's it, I was going for that sexy bed head look).

The rain definitely compounds the bad, bad driving skills.  I am still shocked at how many people drive out in the dark, overcast rain storm without their lights on.  On the good side, it seems to make LA drivers go slowly and cautiously for once, but maybe a little too slow and cautious.  Apparently, because it's so dry, a light sheen of oil and other car leakage builds up and makes the road really slick when it rains.  However, in a week-long storm like we are having now, that's really only a problem the first day.  But the frustrating snarled up traffic persists.

I think the most disconcerting thing for me is that a rain event that drops less than an inch over the course of a day is referred to as a Winter Storm by the local news folks - with all the urgent updates and snappy graphics that I think belong only with 12+ inch Nor'easters.  Craziest of all, and event I was scheduled to attend on Thursday (which will be day 4 of the Winter Storm) was canceled on Monday on account of inclement weather!

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