24 March 2009


So, I've done a fair amount of driving in LA before I moved here, but it still is quite a shock to my system. First of all, it's more traffic than I've ever seen outside of India. The other big difference is the number of motorcycles, and the fact that they are going so much faster than the stop-and-go traffic. It freaks me out.

But, really, it's the little things - left turns, for examples. In Boston and RI, the first left turn in line gets to jump the gun and make the turn before oncoming traffic starts moving forward. Not so in LA. Here, you have to wait until it's really your turn, but then even after the light turns red about three more cars make the left and everyone just waits for them.

Then there's the freeway meters. Apparently, they are quite useful on the choked up freeways here, but it's a huge shock to be accelerating down the on ramp and suddenly come upon a red light!

Pedestrians and their relationship to cars are also quite different. Surprisingly, pedestrians totally respect the lights and crosswalks - no jaywalking here. But, as a result, they take their sweet time crossing, even when you are waiting to make a left or right turn.

So, not very amusing, but this is the big culture shock of my first few days.

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