19 March 2010

Yoga Booty Ballet

I think SoCal has spawns more "religious" and fitness fad than any other region in our fine country.  A lot of them (and I'm talking about both categories) and stupid and a little dangerous.  But it certainly gives one a good deal of choice.  And in amongst all the hay is a needle of awesomeness (now I'm only talking about fitness).

Yoga Booty Ballet is my needle.  I stumbled across the class thanks to Groupon and I am so grateful.  I try to go three times a week now and I chose not to sign up for a second session of bootcamp to have the time and money to devote to YBB.  It's the prefect mix of sweat, mindfulness and joy for exactly where I am on the cheerleader-hippie spectrum.  The first class I attended was Patty's Wednesday night and as she introduced herself and YBB to us newcomers, she exhorted us all to "dance like you're alone in your bedroom" and proceeded to lead us through a fantastic dance sequence set to Madonna, Lady GaGa, Ke$ha and The Heavy.  I leave class filled with love and appreciation for everything and everyone, no matter how I walked in and it seems to have a cumulative effect just like regular mediation.  It is so awesome, I have even started scheduling my personal life around it.


  1. This sounds awesome, Amy! One of the (very few) things I miss about city life is access to lots of different kinds of group exercise. I had never heard of YBB - but now I really wish they had it here in Northampton!

  2. Ironically, I think they have it somewhere random in central Mass!
